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 Special Offer: Only $7 
Hurry! This Offer WON'T Last Forever

So, What Is Homeschooled With Tarek?

Dear Friend

If you're reading this then you likely know there's plenty of money to be made in Real Estate ....

But that is very different from actually getting started, and turning that opportunity into an EMPIRE.  

When I first got started in Real Estate, I had no money, no business, and no connections.  

I had nobody to teach (A.K.A. Homeschool) me.

I knew that nobody was going to do the work for me. 

Nobody was going to magically hand me a working business.

So I had to bet on myself.  

I needed to find a way to GET money, so that I could use it to make more money.

And through a TON of hard work (and a bunch of mistakes along the way), by the grace of God I got to where I am today. 

But I also know that for every story like mine, there are THOUSANDS of others who fail.

And they failed because they either:

1.) Failed to bet on themselves, or

2.) They just didn’t have the right education.

That’s why I’ve put together the Homeschooled With Tarek program….

Right now, 
I’m giving YOU permission to bet on YOURSELF.
I’m going to give you the power…

The knowledge…


The community…

And the opportunities you need to confidently bet on yourself.

And as you do, know that I’m right there WITH YOU, guiding you every step of the way on this exciting journey, so that you have the opportunity to WIN.

Here’s How Homeschooled With
Tarek Works…

Homeschooled With Tarek is a comprehensive 3-Step program that allows you to go from

No matter where you’re at on your Real Estate journey - whether you’re a true beginner, a seasoned pro who wants to scale, or somewhere in between - this program is for EVERYONE!

But most importantly, I knew that if I were going to teach others HOW to do what I do and make money with Real Estate, it needed to be stupid SIMPLE.

So I’ve broken the process down into 3 steps… (and inside these steps I’ll show you HOW I do what I do, and how I’ve built my Real Estate empire!)


The “No Money” Method 
Maybe you want to break into Real Estate, but have absolutely no money to put down on properties…especially if you’re a beginner.

I’m going to show you my PROVEN no-money method to getting properties under your belt! (I’ve done this time and time again, and it WORKS! I’ll show you the exact steps you can take so that you can do it too, without forking over ANY cash of your own!)

Remember what I said earlier?

When I started out in Real Estate I didn’t HAVE any money…

So I needed to find a way to get money, and get the financial wheel turning…

This No-Money Method is EXACTLY what I did to bet on myself, and start generating income.

Maybe you’re in this position right now, where you NEED money so that you can MAKE money.

If that’s you, then this program is designed specifically for you! Start at Step 1!

Honestly this is the part all the so-called “Gurus” leave out of their training.

I am NOT a “Guru” and I know what it’s like to have no money, but need to find a way to make some just to get your foot in the door..

This is the perfect way to get your feet wet in this world, and start getting some Cashflow…


Your First Flip
Once you’ve made a bit of capital using my No-Money Method in Step 1, now you can take that money, and make MORE money with it using Step 2!

Step 2 is all about starting small, and COMPOUNDING what you earn!

In this step, you’ll learn step-by-step how to flip houses - and flip your first property for a profit.

The best part?

You can move forward very quickly using this method - and repeat the process as much as you want.

My very first year in Real Estate, I flipped 3 houses….
The next year, I took what I learned, and repeated the process again and again…

And I flipped 46 properties!  
Now, you might be thinking to yourself,
“That’s great, Tarek…but what if I don’t have the MONEY to flip a house yet?”
No worries, that just means you’ll begin with Step 1, and apply my No-Money Method that is designed to get money (without having to spend any dollars of your own). 

By the time you get to Step 2, that problem is SOLVED, and you’ll have the money for your first flip.
“But I don’t know how to find the deals…” 
That’s exactly WHY I’ve created Homeschooled With Tarek…

Inside Step 2, you’re literally learning with me how to find deals.

I’ll walk you through my TOP 4 strategies that I use every day to find the very best deals, so that you can make a profitable flip.

So if you’ve been wanting to get into Real Estate, but you don’t know which properties would make a good flip, or how to spot them, or what to do to ensure that every house you go after is a GOOD deal, and will make you MONEY (before you even take any action on it)…

Then THIS program is for you!


Once you’ve flipped your first home, you’re ready for Step 3, which is how to earn PASSIVE INCOME in Real Estate.
I’m going to show you how to take the money that you’ve earned on your flip…and instead of continuing to work for your money - you can start putting your money to work for YOU!

Because as much as I love flipping houses, I love PASSIVE INCOME (and the time and freedom it allows me every day) even more.

You’ll learn how to get your houses flipped,

1.) For the least amount of money, and

2.) With the least amount of problems

Now, if you’re wondering,

“But HOW would I fix the house? I don’t know how to fix houses!”
Can I tell you a little secret?  

Neither do I. 

I’ve been playing this Real Estate game for over 10 years…

And I’ve flipped close to 1,000 properties…

And I’m nothing close to a handyman or contractor.  

In fact…
I have NO clue how to fix ANYTHING.  
And YOU don’t have to, either.

See, Step 3 is not about learning “HOW”.

That would take a lifetime to learn all the contracting skills.

And you want to start building your Real Estate business NOW…right?
In this section, I’ll teach you to focus on the “WHO”, not the “HOW”...
That means, you’ll NEVER need to worry about:
  • Tiling floors
  • Rewiring the house
  • Updating rooms
  • Patching drywall
  • Painting Walls
  • Adding cabinets
  • Installing appliances
  • Landscaping
  • Fix pipes & plumbing 
Using my strategy, you’ll be doing EXACTLY what I do…
And I don’t do ANY of that!  
That’s not my job.

My job is to FIND and FLIP.

It’s that simple.

I’ll show how to interview the RIGHT contractors who have experience with working on flips…

Contractors with a PROVEN track record, so that it is ‘plug & play’ simple.

In my 10 years of experience, I’ll show you where the biggest mistakes are made that will cost you money, and what to LOOK FOR when renovating a house.

Once you understand how to do this, you’re not chained to only what YOU can accomplish…

You’ll be able to go after multiple flips at once if you want, and start generating PASSIVE INCOME, because your time won’t be tied to all the daily operations of ‘fixing houses’.

This is where you can really SCALE fast!

Look…Everybody’s Journey Is Different

I don’t know what phase of this program you need to start at.

You might be brand new to this “Real Estate thing”. → If you are, that’s why I’ve included the No-Money Method step, so you can get started, and get some money.

Maybe you’ve got a little money, and you’re ready to do your first flip. → If that’s the case, you can start directly with Step 2, and I’ll show you how and where to find the best deals.

Or maybe you’ve got a handful of flips under your belt, and you’re looking to SCALE things quickly, and create PASSIVE INCOME. → That’s where Step 3 comes in.

So no matter where you are on this Real Estate path, you BELONG inside my Homeschooled With Tarek program.

I’ve intentionally designed this 3-Step System to meet you wherever you’re at RIGHT NOW, and propel you to the next level!

Here's What You Get As A Member

After joining the Homeschooled With Tarek program here's what you get:

Homeschooled With Tarek course which breaks down each of the 3-Step System for you:
  • Step 1 - No Money Method
  • ​Step 2 - Your First Flip
  • Step 3 - Creating Passive Income
You can make your way through each portion of the course as fast or as slow as you want, from the comfort of your own home!

Remember this is a PROGRESSIVE course, so find the Step that is appropriate for you, and start there. Once you complete it, move onto the next step!
 EXCLUSIVE Access To My Private Facebook Community.

One of the greatest gifts I’ve been given is the advantage of COMMUNITY. If you know the Real Estate world at all, then you already know how important connections are. A great community is a place where you can find deals, get help, find money, get support, and more…

That’s why I built a community of people who are all on the SAME journey as you. They have the same goals they are running toward, the same aspirations, and they are using the same 3-Step Homeschooled With Tarek method.

This is where you can create relationships and network with others. You can help each other, inspire each other, work together, and follow in the footsteps of others who have already made it in Real Estate to where you WANT to be.
( me, I won’t take that personally)
Yes. Just $7 for all of it.

And I’m not crazy. In fact, I am honestly thinking of making access to this Homeschooled With Tarek program about $197 per month, which I think would still be an insane value - wouldn't you agree?

But I AM doing this at just $7 (for a very limited time) for a few reasons…

#1) I Don’t Need The Money

I’ve built a PASSIVE INCOME empire from the about 1,000 houses that I’ve flipped…

I also invest in plenty of other Real Estate opportunities that give me passive income even when I am not flipping a house (more on this below..).

So I don’t really need your $7 - it won’t change my life dramatically.

But it CAN change yours.

#2) I Ultimately Want To Partner With You

It’s real simple…

I want you to be educated and understand what you’re doing with Real Estate.

Why do I care about that?

Because - The more you understand this process, the more deals you’re going to find.

And as you find more deals, there is more opportunity to partner with you, and go in on deals together, or even sometimes buy deals from you. (That’s something that I offer down the road, but the FIRST step is to make sure you are educated and confident in using my method.)

That’s why this is such a rare and special opportunity to take advantage of Homeschooled With Tarek! I want you to have access to the system that I use to find the best deals, so that we have more opportunities to partner together down the road.

It's A Win-Win For BOTH Of US!



Exclusive Access To My Special

“No Student Left Behind” Weekly LIVE Calls With My Deal Review Team! 

My commitment in 2024 is to make sure that NO student of mine is left behind.
I know that sometimes, people can fall through the cracks, or get behind, or just need some extra help…

So if you are looking at a deal, and you think it might be a good opportunity, but you’re not quite sure, and you want to run it by us to see what we think…

I don’t want you to walk away from what could have potentially been a GREAT deal.

And I certainly don’t want you to move forward on the wrong deal when we could have prevented the mistake.

That’s EXACTLY why I’ve created this “No Student Left Behind” bonus, where you can talk to our team LIVE.

We call it our,
“Thursday Deal Reviews!”
Imagine having my TOP 2 GENIUS Deal Reviewers in your corner telling you what to do with every deal you find!

Each week, our Homeschooled With Tarek students can attend LIVE group sessions, where my best reviewers (who are investors themselves) will take a look at house deals you’ve found, and give you their instant feedback.

One is the PRESIDENT of my company.

The other is the Director of Real Estate.

I use these two Deal Reviewers for all of my own opportunities that I find because they are the BEST in the business! Not only do I trust them with my own money, but there isn’t a SINGLE deal that I move forward with that doesn’t get reviewed and approved by my Deal Review team first!

You can get all of your deal questions answered, and in REAL TIME on the livestream, they’ll tell you whether they APPROVE your deal, or if you should keep looking.

I pay my Deal Reviewers THOUSANDS of dollars each month, just to look over and approve (or deny) the deals I find. 

Homeschooled With Tarek is NOT Entertainment… This is pure EDUCATION.

We’re not on some entertaining Reality TV show, here…

(If that’s all you’re looking for, go watch HGTV.)

But the truth is, this is YOUR life we’re talking about…

YOUR reality…

And I want to push aside the “Tarek, The Guy From Flip or Flop” personality, and bring you into my REAL world...

where I show you exactly how I do what I do, step-by-step…
where I show you exactly how I do what I do, step-by-step…
So, if you want to learn my 3 steps to crushing it in Real Estate…

If you want to eliminate all the common failures that come from beginner mistakes...

If you want to take advantage of everything I’ve learned over the last 10 years, and fast-track your way to success in Real Estate…

If you want TO BE PART OF MY PERSONAL COMMUNITY that I am so passionate about…

Then this Homeschooled With Tarek program is for YOU.
Because when you’re a part of this program, you’re going to have 10 years’ worth of insight into what works (and what doesn’t work).

You’ll be able to take FULL advantage of every mistake that I’ve made…

And every hard lesson learned where I lost time and dollars (because of the mistakes I made)…

I’m going to share ALL of it with you, so that you don’t have to take 10 years to learn what I did, or make those mistakes yourself.

You can bypass the decade-long learning curve, and go STRAIGHT to building your Real Estate business and generating passive income.
( me, I won’t take that personally)
Yes. Just $7 for all of it.

And I’m not crazy. In fact, I am honestly thinking of making access to this Homeschooled With Tarek program about $197 per month, which I think would still be an insane value - wouldn't you agree?

But I AM doing this at just $7 (for a very limited time) for a few reasons…

#1) I Don’t Need The Money

I’ve built a PASSIVE INCOME empire from the about 1,000 houses that I’ve flipped…

I also invest in plenty of other Real Estate opportunities that give me passive income even when I am not flipping a house (more on this below..).

So I don’t really need your $7 - it won’t change my life dramatically.

But it CAN change yours.

#2) I Ultimately Want To Partner With You

It’s real simple…

I want you to be educated and understand what you’re doing with Real Estate.

Why do I care about that?

Because - The more you understand this process, the more deals you’re going to find.

And as you find more deals, there is more opportunity to partner with you, and go in on deals together, or even sometimes buy deals from you. (That’s something that I offer down the road, but the FIRST step is to make sure you are educated and confident in using my method.)

That’s why this is such a rare and special opportunity to take advantage of Homeschooled With Tarek! I want you to have access to the system that I use to find the best deals, so that we have more opportunities to partner together down the road.

It's A Win-Win For BOTH Of US!

Here's What To Do Next

Step 1: Click the "Join The Homeschooled With Tarek Program" button anywhere on this page.

Step 2: Enter your information

Step 3: We'll send you your login details (and access info for your ‘Thursday Deal Reviews’ bonus) in an email immediately.

Sounds simple right? It's really that easy..

So if you're ready to join me, so I can teach you exactly how I make (PASSIVE) money in Real Estate…then click the button, and let’s get started!

A Quick Decision Matters

You simply won't be able to join the Homeschooled With Tarek program at just $7 forever…(and down the road, it likely won’t come with the helpful LIVE ‘Thursday Deal Reviews’ BONUS).

In fact, I’m planning to raise the enrollment fee to $197 MONTHLY, but for now I’m giving students who sign up today a ridiculous discount.

It's important to not let this special deal pass you by…

To be successful in Real Estate, sometimes you simply have to be able to make quick and calculated decisions.

...and the same goes for the opportunity that's in front of you on this page right now.

Click the button on this page, and get your instant access to the Homeschooled With Tarek program - and let’s get you started building your PASSIVE Real Estate business!

The Best Partnership Guarantee Ever

I realize you are able to join this exclusive Homeschooled With Tarek program at a ridiculously low price, but I want to do even more to make sure you don't let this chance pass you by...

So I am giving you a full 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee when you join today.

If for any reason you want a refund in your first 30 days simply send us a direct email (and yes we provide our email address to you once you're on the inside), and I'll personally guarantee a fast and full refund to you in under 24 hours.

So all the risk is on ME to over deliver when you get inside the Homeschooled With Tarek program, right?

That’s definitely worth at least taking Homeschooled With Tarek for a test-drive, to see if it’s for you.

The only risk is that you'll completely miss out on the opportunity (and the amazing ‘Thursday Deal Reviews’ bonus) if you don't take action immediately…

The Best Partnership Guarantee Ever

Best of Success,


P.S. In case you're one of those people who just scroll to the end of the letter without reading anything, here's the cliff notes version of what we're doing:

I've created the worlds most cost effective and easy program to help you get started in Real Estate, it's called the Homeschooled With Tarek program.

I plan on charging $197 per month to be a member of this exclusive group and training (which is an amazing deal by the way), but right now I am letting members join for just $7.

No I am not crazy... and yes you read that right just $7.

Just because it doesn't cost thousands of dollars doesn't mean it's not packed with knowledge and opportunity just like any other program... it simply means that its affordable for EVERYONE which is exactly what I wanted for my students.

No longer are programs only available to those who can spend thousands and travel all over the world because honestly that blocks 99% of people from being able to benefit from what I think is one of the big unfair advantages when building your own Real Estate business - working with someone who's actually done it.

Right now you can join, build your business and take full advantage of everything we offer in our Homeschooled With Tarek program for just a few bucks...

Hurry & Join Us Today Before This Special Offer Is Gone...

Lisa Delong

I've wanted to invest for several years. I've been licensed for 18 years. It was my goal this year to take some investment classes. I didn't take advantage of it earlier I guess because I was waiting for the right program/class that I felt would be the best and give me the best knowledge and "how to." The Crash Course training that first weekend was far beyond anything I could have imagined. During that training, I thought The HomeSchooled Team were "the ones to teach me" and the absolute bomb. I've watched Flip or Flop from the first season so I felt comfortable moving forward, as I knew Tarek was legit. If you really want to become a highly successful business owner with flipping homes, this is by far the most knowledgeable company to move forward with. I cannot say enough positive things about Homeschooled. I've learned so much and I can see through this program that I also can create generational wealth. They don't hold back on training and teaching and I love that about them. They are the real deal! I've had to pass on two deals as the number wouldn't work. With the knowledge my coach has shared with me I feel that I would have lost my butt in the second deal for sure had I not been involved with Homeschooled. As an agent I've seen a lot of flipped properties for sale and I talk my clients out of them. Coming out of the gate with the mentorship program, I feel like a professional flipper. I absolutely love my Homeschooled peeps!

Tate Akopyan

I have been wanting to invest for 2 years now but the fear of failure and not knowing how to get started in the business always stopped me from jumping in. I found Tarek's program when he advertised it on his Instagram and enrolled right away. The reason I felt comfortable joining the program was because Tarek always came across as a genuine person who truly wanted to pass the learning he has had onto other people. I also reached out to another mentorship program and for the money they charged they barely offered anything with it. I have loved my experience thus far. My weekly sessions have been so important in taking my business to the next level. The Group Coaching Calls have been filled with so much powerful knowledge. I believe this program really is for everyone who is ready to invest in themselves and in real estate. I would tell anyone who's hesitant to get started that the best investment to make is in yourself. Learn everything you can so you can become a long term investor.

Noni & Gerard Rangel

The idea for pursuing real estate came a few years ago, but we didn't feel ready to start. We thought that you needed to save money first in order to start investing. For the past few years we were able to pay off our cars, credit cards and student loans and we thought now it's the time to start investing. Unfortunately when we went to see a property we quickly realized that we didn't know what we were doing and at that moment I knew I had to educate myself. The Crash Course was amazing and we felt that we were in the right place. The information was very valuable and we knew that we couldn't do it by ourselves. We needed mentors to teach and support us along the way. There is something magical in the way the guys teach. If you are someone who is unsure if real estate investing is for you, the Crash Course is the best place to start. You will never know until you try! Our experience with HomeSchooled has been great. All the coaches are very supportive and knowledgeable. We are grateful for this opportunity.

Joe Cohen

I have had the dream of being a real estate investor since I was 18 years old. I never acted on my dream because I had a consumer mindset, thinking I needed to go to college, find a career and work up to becoming an investor. I have been increasing my financial I.Q. since the pandemic started. As I have been attending online seminars and training videos, my search triggered an advertisement from HomeSchooled by Tarek on social media. It was a free 1-hour training, and during that training Ruyguy and Josh offered the Crash Course for a nominal fee (compared to other trainings I have attended). The number one reason why I felt comfortable participating is due to the amount of valuable information I learned in the 1-hour session. This program provided more value in an hour than I received in 20 years in real estate. Not to mention, they weren't trying to sell more solutions during the entire training. I truly felt they want to help people learn to be financially free, and not trying to take advantage of people's hard earned money. My experience with Homeschooled by Tarek has been five stars since I started the program. They truly want to help you be successful in real estate investing. My advice to anyone who is hesitant to get started is, DO NOT WAIT! The amount of knowledge I am gaining is going to pay dividends in the very near future.

Stefani Guzman & Jorge Ruiz

My boyfriend and I have been wanting to invest for a few years now. We did not take action due to the lack of capital, knowledge, network, and simply the fear of failing and not understanding the systems. I found Tarek's program through an ad on Instagram. The ad was about a 1 hour webinar on learning how to flip houses, learning the systems, and how to create a network of investors and other flippers (associates) in our area. We have attended many other webinars in the past, but they were all extremely pricey, and did not seem very genuine about the students' growth. They mostly seemed more interested in selling memberships, getting subscribers, and we would be on our own with the limited information and documents provided. At HomeSchooled, the team really has an interpersonal connection and it really feels like they are enthusiastic about helping us, the students, learn and grow in the industry. My boyfriend and I have learned a lot, and in the span of a month we have gotten our business, marketing, and pitch templates set up. The team is diligently working with us to help us get a few deals on the books pretty soon. Without HomeSchooled, this would have taken my boyfriend and I years to accomplish with lots of trial and error and potentially a few $$ losses. In the words of Tarek, "You can't say it didn't work out if you didn't try". It is 100% worth it and the investment will pay off in itself after the first couple of deals.

Rebecca Wynn

My husband and I could not be happier with the mentorship we have received from Homeschooled by Tarek and the entire team! They have been nothing but supportive, informative and all around just down to earth people. Last year (2020) was a crazy year and we spent time learning from entrepreneurs in similar spaces. One follow led to another which brought us to Tarek's team where we came into contact with an opportunity to learn from someone who we have been watching on TV for years! My husband and I knew we were not reaching our full potential. So we began searching for help from experts we felt we could trust. When it came time to join the free webinar by Homeschooled we knew we had nothing to lose but knowledge and tools to gain. Not only has this team been there for us, we would not be where we are without them. We have learned how important relationships in this business are for your success and how you can not do it alone. Our initial investment has far paid for itself and we are so beyond grateful for this opportunity. We are confident in our decision and can't recommend it enough. Thank you for changing our lives!
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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures & results. Please understand my results are not typical, I'm not implying you will duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing real estate and flipping for 10 years, and have an established knowledge and advantages as a result. The average person who buys any "how to" information gets little to no results. I am using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. You should assume you will make absolutely no money by joining this program and that the average person who enrolls does little to nothing with the information we provide.